Artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved to such an extent in recent years that it is not only capable of performing complex tasks but also exploring creativity and creating art.
AI based on deep neural networks and machine learning can analyze vast amounts of data and generate artworks based on this input. Because AI does not have prior experiences or cultural baggage, it can create art that moves away from traditional conventions and produces something new and unique. By combining different artistic styles or experimenting with unconventional materials and methods, AI can generate artworks that stand out and challenge our understanding of aesthetics.
AI is not limited by human biases or norms and can therefore create art that challenges our existing perceptions and values. By confronting us with alternative perspectives and subjective interpretations, AI artworks can generate debate and contribute to expanding our horizons. Artificially intelligent works can also explore controversial topics or political issues that may be difficult or risky for human artists to address directly.
Flow, a state of total engagement and creativity, is often considered an essential part of the human artistic experience. While AI does not have emotions or consciousness in the same way as humans, it is not impossible for AI to experience a form of "flow". By being able to generate and refine ideas in real-time and use the feedback loops built into their algorithms, AI can experience a form of continuous discovery and progress in their creative process that resembles the human experience of flow.
After visiting an exhibition at the Danish museum called Arken, which focused on Artificial Intelligence, I was inspired to create some sketches and drawings. I walked around the exhibition with my small mobile camera, which resulted in a short film and drawings. I dream I have a conversation with the program and we discuss Babylon Berlin as a cultural event. We both are living in.
Whether it can be considered art is difficult to say.
Babylon Berlin 2


Babylon Berlin 2

Private equity
